
Proof of Identity 🎭

This whitepaper proposes a method and application of a decentralized personal account, DTag ( short for DriipTag ), Basic personal information and social relations of users are stored on DTag profile, which can provide identification, developing social relations and promotion service to third party. Dtag is generated by cryptography and blockchain technology. It’s unique, secured, and private and popularly regarded to be a web3 domain. Besides, it's also compatible with all blockchain network addresses. Dtag accounts and data are 100% owned by the user. Any access must be authorized by the user.

DTag isn't a file storage, instead, it keep tracks of the data and make sure the infromations are valid.

The algorithm of Driipa network helps to build a blockchain to ensure data consistency and security. Each modification to users' account data is stored on the blockchain. Driipa's Ecosytem, to demonstrate the usage of Dtag and showcase building a decentralized community.

DriipTag isn't only about keeping your personal records and data; the system is mechanized to be universal and enforced to making access easier and safer; as of now the technology help

Make Transfers Safer

Avoid transferring assets to the wrong address.

One Dtag, All apps

Display a unified, identity-based username in the DApps you use. Gather your on-chain reputation in one Dtag.

Wide Compatibility

Supports addresses of any public chain and EVM compatible chain colntracts, as well as public keys of any asymmetric encryption system as Dtag Alias.

Cross-chain identities for you and your community

  • Decentralized

  • Cross-chain

  • Self-sovereign

  • Open source

Take your data sovereignty back with Dtag

A traditional account is a data container you don’t own.

Your Facebook account is a data container that is used to store your information on Facebook only. Facebook owns your account and has full control over it, which means Facebook can recall your account, delete or tamper with your account data at any time. Other traditional accounts include email addresses, mobile phone numbers, Twitter accounts, etc. None of these accounts or the data in them belong to you.

To cut the long story short: you use them, but they are not really yours.

You can store any type of data in your Dtag, and apps can read them before providing service for you using the collections and scanning of { keys and values } without overriding or breaching the protocols set for { Data + Ownership and Privacy }

🚰pageIntroduction🌌pagePath to Decentralization | Driipa

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